There seems to be a lot of confusion buzzing around schools these days on who can apply pesticides. First only licensed applicators can make ANY type of pesticide application – even “organic” solutions for pest/weed control is considered a pesticide. The Texas Department of Agriculture has required that only licensed applicators and technicians make applications on schools, childcare centers, or educational institutions since the mid-1980s.

Even if you use the hand held spreader/seeder for baits that are applied at very low rates, you need to have a pesticide license in TX to make these types of applications on all educational properties.
Although certification is not required for IPM Coordinators in Texas and other states, it’s an option that many are choosing. Certification is a decision that must be based on your own circumstances. This School Pest News article and webpage is designed to help you understand the issues involved and find the resources you need.
A certified applicator (CA) is someone who is licensed by the state to apply pesticides. In Texas, only certified applicators and licensed technicians can conduct pest control services on school and child care facilities. In Texas, a school district or child care employee can be licensed as a non-commercial applicator, a less expensive option. A non-commercial applicators license does not require a business license, but does require training.
To learn more about Texas Pesticide Applicator Licensing please follow this link
Texas Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 12847, Austin, Texas 78711
1-800-TELL-TDA or (512) 463-7622
For the hearing impaired: Relay Texas 1-800-735-2988 (voice) or 1-800-735-2989 (TDD)
Structural Pest Control Service – 866-918-4481
Agricultural Pesticide Certification and Compliance – (512) 463-7622