Tag Archives: turf management

SPN: Warm-Season Turfgrass Fall/Winter Preparation

For many Texans, September typically means cooler temperatures, rain showers, and the end of the long hot summer. This change of seasons has an effect on the growth of warm-season grasses like St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, and bermudagrass. Three management practices to focus on this fall and winter are watering, mowing, and fertilizing. Adjusting these to match the seasonal change can create a strong healthy lawn throughout the fall and into winter dormancy. Watering As the days get shorter and temperatures become cooler, the growth rate of grass slows… Read More →

Be on the lookout for armyworms

Pest management professionals who care for lawns should be on the alert for fall armyworms this fall. Higher-than-normal populations of this lawn-eating insect have been reported from many areas in Texas this past summer and we have started to see them in San Antonio and Austin areas. While fall armyworms are nothing new, according to Wizzie Brown, Extension Program Specialist for IPM in Austin, these worms started appearing in home lawns in late July to early August. Usually, infestations take place in late summer or early fall, but… Read More →

SPN: How to win the fight against stickers; management tips to ruin sandburs’ summer

Whether you call them stickers or sandburs, a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert can help you win the war against these prickly little pain dispensers. Sandburs, also known as grassbur or sandspur, are an annual and/or perennial grass. The sharp, spiny burs are a seed pod that can latch on to passersby for distribution to other locations. “Weed control is ultimately up to the end-user, but sandburs are one of those weeds that can be a painful reminder that our yards may need some attention,” said Chrissie… Read More →

SPN: How do I get a pesticide license in Texas?

To be licensed or not to be licensed? Although having a pesticide applicator license is not required for IPM Coordinators in Texas, it’s an option that many are choosing. Licensing is a decision that must be based on your own circumstances. This article is designed to help you understand the issues involved. A certified applicator (CA) is licensed by the state to apply pesticides. In Texas, only certified applicators and licensed technicians can conduct pest control services on school and child care facilities. In Texas, a school district… Read More →

Apply fall preemergence herbicide to avoid spring weeds

As soil temperatures cool, now is the time to plan for preemergence herbicide applications to eradicate common cool-season weeds like annual bluegrass and lawn burweed, said a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert. Chrissie Segars, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension turfgrass specialist, Dallas, said homeowners looking to improve the look and feel of their lawns by preventing annual weeds and burs should prepare to apply fall preemergence herbicides. Preemergence herbicides are designed to disrupt the germination and emergence of unfavorable plants. Other fall and winter management practices like proper irrigation will… Read More →

Ask the Expert Turfgrass Management

On Wednesday, June 24th Dr. Chrissie Segars will present on tough to control summer weeds and then answer your questions regarding your turf management program.  We will be using Cisco WebEx as the video platform which requires you registering, this will keep us from getting unwanted people joining in.  If you will follow this link you will complete a form.  I will then confirm your registration which will send you the formal invite with the password.  If you have trouble registering for the online courses drop me a… Read More →

SPN: Focusing on grounds and turf areas

April showers brings weeds, fire ants and few other pests that can impact your outdoor areas.  Even though most of us are limited on traveling, our home lawns, as well as our public spaces still need to be maintained, if we don’t additional pest issues like rats and snakes will move in. This issue will focus on several fact sheets that have been developed by Extension Specialists to help you manage your outdoor surroundings. WHAT IS THAT MOUND??? We have all seen them, a mound in the yard… Read More →

School Pest News Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2014

Enhancing School Pest Control Safety By: Maron Finley, IPM Specialist, Texas Department of Agriculture As the 2013 – 2014 school year wraps up, it makes sense to begin planning for next school year. The control of unwanted pests in and around school facilities is an ongoing process for many school districts and adopting an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program and incorporating procedures for preventing and managing pest problems using an IPM strategy is a priority. It’s now time to get the school IPM Coordinator(s) trained and ready. The… Read More →