Tag Archives: Lone star tick

Warm weather means more ticks: Texans, take care outdoors

As the warm weather draws more and more Texans outdoors, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts want people to be aware of the danger ticks pose. “Ticks are blood feeders in all life stages and can transmit pathogens that can lead to disease transmission,” said Sonja Swiger, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension entomologist, Stephenville. “While we do see tick-borne disease here in Texas, our rates are much lower than many other states,” she said. “However, people need to be aware and vigilant. That is the only way to stop them.”… Read More →

Ticks to look out for – by southern states

Written by: Rosemary Hallberg, Communication Specialist, Southern IPM Center Even though nearly all media attention is on mosquitoes this summer, most people fear ticks more. At A Bug Day in Gastonia in May, I talked to several people who weren’t as worried about mosquitoes as they were about ticks. Perhaps that’s because ticks attach to a person and hang on for a while. If a tick bites you or someone in your family, you’re probably going to go to the doctor’s office. And what is the doctor going… Read More →