Tag Archives: incidental use

SPN: Reporting for Yellow, Red and Incidental Use treatments.

Next to urban wildlife what readers wanted more information on is staying in compliance or understanding how some of the school IPM rules are interpreted by the Texas Department of Agriculture Structural Pest Control Service Division. So the next couple of issues will pertain to this topic. Several of the top ten non-compliant problems for Texas schools boil down to paperwork.  Top of the list is failing to have the Yellow Category Justification form.  This failure comes from pesticide applicators not understanding what is considered Yellow category products…. Read More →

School Pest News, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2012

Who Can Work Under My License?  By Dr. Don Renchie There seems to be a lot of confusion buzzing around schools these days about who can apply pesticides.  First, only licensed applicators can make ANY type of pesticide application – even “organic” on school properties.  The Texas Department of Agriculture’s “Structural Pest Control Act” has required all applicators be licensed as commercial, noncommercial, or technicians before they make applications in or around  schools, childcare centers, or educational institutions since the mid-1980s. What has many school IPM coordinators confused… Read More →