Tag Archives: first aid

Fire Ant Basics

When it comes to fire ants, pay attention to detail  By:  Dr. Mike Merchant In case you missed it, last month a 13-year old middle school student died  as a result of fire ant stings he suffered during half-time on a Corpus Christi, Texas football field.  The student, Cameron Espinosa, was on the sidelines when he complained of difficulty breathing after receiving fire ant stings on the field.  He collapsed and died several days later from complications due to an apparent anaphylactic reaction to fire ant venom. The… Read More →

School Pest News, Volume 12, Issue 6, September 2013

Imported Fire Ants the Cause of Death in Texas  By Maggie Lawrence, Auburn University The biting, stinging fire ant is a nuisance most people are far too familiar with, but few recognize the life-threatening danger these small pests pack in their punch. Recently, a Texas teen died after numerous fire ant stings during a junior high football game in Corpus Christi. Allergic reactions to fire ant bites are rare, but require quick thinking and proactive first aid work. Texas  A&M AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist, Janet Hurley, works… Read More →