Tag Archives: cleaning

SPN: School reopening does any of this impact my IPM and IAQ program?

As everyone is trying to figure out how to educate children during the COVID-19 pandemic, the question on everyone’s mind is how to do this by keeping schools clean? The guidelines from CDC, For a Safe Return to School in Fall 2020 and the Texas Education Agency’s two documents Public Health Planning Guidance and School Reopening Guidance Summary give some advice on how to open your school; however, it’s limited in the actual directions of what, where, and when to clean. In an IPM program the first step… Read More →

Disinfectant safety during the COVID-19 pandemic

As you prepare to open your campuses to students and staff, here are a couple of items to help you prepare. 1. The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) will hosting a webinar on  Disinfectant safety during the COVID-19 pandemic Wednesday, June 24  at  1:00 pm Central  In this webinar NPIC will address common misconceptions and questions about disinfectant safety. They will also tour EPA’s online tool for products effective against COVID-19. Topics include: Differences between cleaners, sanitizers, and disinfectants Why “contact time” is important for a disinfectant to… Read More →

SPN: Flu how the cleaning fits with your IPM program

Between the news, my social media feeds, email, and phone calls I know it’s flu season, how about you? Many who work in the IPM program are also involved in the school environmental health program as well, and there are lots of questions. The three big questions I get asked is what can we use, can we use disinfecting wipes, and do we need to post? Below are some of the best guidelines I can give you, along with some tips and documents to print and post. Full… Read More →