During the recovery effort after a flood there are many pests that everyone needs to think about. Not just pests but there are several health aspects everyone needs to consider. This special edition of School Pest News is full of resources for you to use at work and home.
Remember there are a variety to consider over the next few weeks as you clean up after Hurricane Harvey. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an enormous amount of information on cleaning up safely after a disaster that I wanted to share with you.
Worker Protection After a Flood
Flood Water After a Disaster or Emergency
Protect Yourself from Animal- and Insect-Related Hazards After a Disaster
Rodent Control After a Disaster
Rodent pest proofing fact sheet from City of New Orleans
The CDC also offers these two online courses to help you and others with your response
Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response (EHTER) https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/elearn/ehter.htm
Vector Control for Environmental Health Professionals (VCEHP) http://lms.southcentralpartnership.org/vcehp.php
Finally, snakes are a real issue as well in Texas. Dr. Maureen Frank, Assistant Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension developed this fact sheet on Snake and Flooding to help all of us out.